Taxation Forum for All Government Payroll Officers
The Ministry of Revenue and Customs (MoRC) was pleased to host a zoom "To e Talatalanoa" meeting for all Government Finance Managers and Payroll Officers. This tax forum was hosted from our main office in Nuku’alofa and was conducted to;
1. Ensure the application of the new Income tax rates
2. PAYE Reconciliation & way forward to reduce/avoid tax refunds and tax owed within the last quarter.
3. Way forward on lodgments of PAYE, CT, and Non-resident withholding tax
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to all who joined and for all the proactive discussions. It has indeed provided insight for MoRC to continue to improve our revenue services and administration.
Let us continue to stand in “Solidarity for a perpetual Tonga in this Challenging time.”