Private Imports
You will be required to pay duties and taxes for imports of goods for private use, example gifts and mail order goods etc. You are encouraged to provide Customs with an inventory of your goods, if possible to assist Customs in the import clearance process.
Customs Import Entry
In order to clear your goods through Customs for home consumption, you must complete the following form and submit to Customs with all the required supporting documents, including shipping documents or permits for processing and payment of applicable duties and taxes.
Form C13 Customs import entry (Please email us at
Use of a licensed Customs Broker
If you are unfamiliar with how to determine the tariff classification,value or permit requirements for the goods you export, Customs suggests you engage with a broker to lodge export clearances on your behalf.
Customs Inspection Forms
If Customs require your imported goods to be inspected, the inspection results must be completed on the following forms and you are required to submit these forms together with your required import documents for processing and payment of applicable duties and taxes.
Request for release of seized goods
If your goods are detained or seized by Customs, and you wish to request its release, you must make an application in the approved form and provide valid grounds for their release within 30 days of notification of detention or seizure.