Export Information

Export entries and other clearances are a legal declaration to Customs under the Customs and Excise Duty Act, providing details of shipments to be exported.

  • Among other offences under the Act, it is an offence to make an erroneous entry or declaration.
  • Administrative penalties may be applied or prosecution action taken for false declarations.
All exports from Tonga require a Customs clearance.

You must complete the following form and submit to Customs with all the required supporting documents, including shipping documents or permits for processing.

Form C12 - Customs Export (Export declaration) - (Please email us at ExportESAD@customs.gov.to)

Use of a licensed Customs Broker

If you are unfamiliar with how to determine the tariff classification, value or permit requirements for the goods you export, Customs suggests you engage with a Customs broker  to lodge export clearances on your behalf.

Restricted exports

You cannot export restricted goods e.g. cash, without the necessary permits from the appropriate authority or agency

Lodgment Time

All entries must be lodged with Customs prior to goods being loaded for  export.