Customs Brokers

Use of Licensed Customs Brokers

You are encouraged to use the services of liensed Customs brokers for the clearance of imports or exports. If you are able to prepare your own Customs forms and documentation you may do so at your own risk.

Below is the current list of licensed Customs Brokers


BROKER Contact Person Phone Number
ALALANI Sione 77-38929
DHL Sileilepepe Vea 27-700/ 77-18886
GLOBAL CUSTOMS BROKER Kilifi Manu/ Mele Manu 723-1499/720-1024
GOSHEN Cherie Aho 28-575/ 28570
HAAPAI VEU Sepesi Fakatou 77-18895/ 77-10577
HETING GAN BROKER Heting Gan 889-8168 / 77-14913
JP FREIGHT Toni Fotofili/ Aisea Tonga 77-55537/8781516
MATAVAIMOUI BROKER Susana Mariner 77-17158/ 7718886
OST Brenda Palenapa 77-45884/8835884
PCBH Aisea To'a 22-591/7749588
VEA CUSTOMS BROKER (SF OCEANIA) Eakalafi Vea 77-36750/7203864/28056
SIMPLY THE BEST Malakai Ahokava 24-131 
TAUATAINA BROKER Semisi Vea 7749174/7763313
TRYPAC/ KALIA FREIGHT Manoa Tupou 28345/77-15570
BILCAT TRADING( TAIS CUSTOMS BROKER ) Manu Manuofetoa 7733695/77-44216/ 7751023
FAMILY ASSURANCE BROKER Nicole Manu 7825855/25855
AFONU CUSTOMS BROKER Ofa Vahai/ Ika To'a 7797135/7790559
S & A CUSTOMS BROKER Luna Tuikolovatu 7718605
TEHAMO CUSTOMS BROKER Samuela Fatafehi 7746228/8716606